Do you agree with this statement? Your professional network is your greatest asset?
Here are are some facts:
🤔 Hubspot & Forbes tell us more than 80% of all vacancies are filled through a professional network connection
🤔 CNBC report that 70% of vacancies are not published publicly.
Whether you like it or not, is sometimes is a case of 'who you know, not what you know'. Your professional network can help you achieve results quickly & efficiently, especially when negotiating the IT job, talent or project services market.
Relationships & trust play a critical role in the IT recruitment & Tech Project Resourcing sectors. Those who use their professional networks in a meaningful way prosper. Those who don't, struggle for success. It doesn't matter whether you are a hiring / project manager, IT contractor / job seeker or IT SME Leader - it affects everyone in the same way.
Want to know more about professional networking & learn ways to gain the advantage?
Reach out to Trevor at Talentology!
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