I get asked this question a lot - is the green LinkedIn hashtag #OpenToWork frame a Job Seeker Beacon of Visibility or a Show of Desperation? What do you think?
Being a modern job seeker is not an easy task. Unlike many of life's processes, job search seems to have many grey areas which leaves job seekers confused & frustrated.
Everyone seems to have advice, but what it the right advice?
How long should my resume be?
Should I tailor my resume for different jobs?
Should I write a cover letter?
How quickly & often should I follow up applications & interviews?
Should I leverage my professional network?
But one of the most common & controversial questions I get asked is about the green hashtag
#OpenToWork frame on LinkedIn - should job seekers use it or not?
As an industry expert, here's what I think:
Why the Green Frame is a Good Thing:
✅ Instant Visibility: The frame clearly indicates that you’re available for new opportunities, making it easier for recruiters & hiring managers to spot you. Your profile will visibly stand out in a LinkedIn search list.
✅ Proactive Approach: It demonstrates initiative & a readiness to embrace new challenges, qualities that many employers appreciate.
✅ Networking Boost: It prompts your connections to think of you when relevant opportunities arise, potentially leading to helpful recommendations & introductions.
The case against using this tactic include:
❌ Perception of Desperation: Some worry it might signal desperation or imply that you’re struggling to find work.
❌ Bias: Unconscious bias is a real issue. Some recruiters might (unfairly) question why a skilled professional is actively seeking work, especially if they’re unemployed.
Personally, I think the positives outweigh the negatives.
I regularly search LinkedIn for people within my network to perform project work for Talentology's IT SME Partners. The green frame helps me to quickly & efficiently find the professionals we need.
Regardless of your decision, the green frame is just one part of your job search strategy. Combine it with effective professional networking, a compelling resume, & an optimised LinkedIn profile to enhance your job search efforts.
What’s been your experience with the green frame?
Let us know how it worked (or didn't work) for you!